Mastering Kedi Labs Rapid Tests: A Guide for Pet Owners

Mastering Kedi Labs Rapid Tests: A Guide for Pet Owners

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At Kedi Labs, we know that your pet's health can't wait. That's why we've developed the Kedi Labs Rapid Tests, a swift and reliable testing solution for our beloved dogs and cats. These tests are designed to be easy to use while providing accurate and early diagnosis to ensure timely and effective management of various conditions.

How Kedi Labs Rapid Tests Work

The principle behind our tests is the cutting-edge colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay (GIA). Each test is conveniently contained within a single tube, which includes the reagents and a sample collection wand. When a sample is collected and the tube is activated, the reagents mix and flow to react with pre-coated monoclonal antibodies. For instance, if testing for Giardia, a visible "T" line will appear alongside the control "C" line if the result is positive.

Step-By-Step Guide to Using the Rapid Test

Sample Collection

  • Open the Tube: Twist the lid to open the tube. If your rapid test is for a fecal sample, the sample swab wand will be attached to the cap of the tube. If your rapid test is for a nasal, eye or throat sample, there will be a separate sterile swab included in your rapid test kit. Make sure the contents of the rapid test tube do not spill during sample collection.
  • Collect the Sample - Feces:
    • Gently insert the wand into the fresh fecal sample, rotating it to cover the swab adequately.
    • Avoid overloading the swab to prevent unclear results.
  • Collect the Sample - Nasal: Collecting a nasal sample from your pet can be a bit challenging, so it's essential to approach this task with patience and care. Here are step-by-step instructions to help you collect a nasal sample from a pet for a test like the Kedi Labs Rapid Tests:
    • Restraint: Safely secure your pet to prevent sudden movements. This might mean gently holding a small dog or cat in your lap, or having someone else hold a larger dog.

    • Exposure: Gently extend your pet's head upward to straighten the nasal passages for easier access.

    • Insertion: Take the swab and gently insert it into one of your pet’s nostrils. The swab should not be forced deep into the nasal passage; only insert it as far as it can go without resistance.

    • Swabbing: Rotate the swab gently for a few seconds to allow for adequate sample collection. This action should be smooth to minimize discomfort.

    • Withdrawal: Carefully remove the swab from the nostril.

  • Collect the Sample - Eye: Collecting a conjunctival sample from a pet can be delicate and requires a gentle touch. The conjunctiva is the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye. Here are general instructions on how to collect a conjunctival swab sample:
    • Positioning: Position the pet comfortably and securely. Gently hold the pet's head steady with one hand.

    • Exposing the Conjunctiva: With your free hand, use your thumb and forefinger to gently open the pet’s eyelids, exposing the conjunctival sac. Be careful not to apply pressure to the eyeball itself.

    • Swabbing: Take the sterile swab and gently roll it in the conjunctival sac – the area between the eyeball and the eyelid. Avoid touching the eyeball directly with the swab. If eye discharge is present, this can be easily and safely sampled with the swab.

  • Collect the Sample - Throat: Collecting a pharyngeal (back of the throat) sample from a pet requires care, as it can be an uncomfortable procedure for the animal and may provoke a gag reflex or defensive behavior. It's essential to perform this action calmly and quickly to minimize stress for both you and your pet. Here are the general instructions for pet owners:
      1. Positioning: Stand to the side of your pet to avoid being bitten. Firmly but gently hold your pet's muzzle from the top using your non-dominant hand.
      2. Opening the Mouth: Gently press on the lower jaw with your fingers to open the pet's mouth.
      3. Inserting the Swab: Quickly and gently insert the swab into the pet’s mouth, aiming toward the back of the throat, avoiding the tongue.
      4. Swabbing: Once the swab reaches the back of the throat, swab the pharyngeal area, which is the back wall of the throat, not the tonsils. This should be a quick in-and-out motion to collect the sample without causing prolonged discomfort.
    • Important Tips

        • Safety First: If at any point you feel unsafe or uncomfortable performing this procedure, or if your pet becomes overly stressed or aggressive, stop immediately. It may be best to have a veterinarian collect the sample instead. We also offer FREE veterinary consultations with every Kedi Labs test to assist with sample collection or any other questions you may have. Our vet care team is always available to help :)
        • Quick and Decisive: The swabbing should be done as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of stress or injury.
        • Be Gentle: Your pet’s eyes, nose and throat are sensitive, so it’s vital to be as gentle as possible to avoid causing any irritation or injury.
        • Stay Calm: Your pet can pick up on your emotions, so try to stay calm and reassuring throughout the process.
        • No Force: Never force the swab if your pet resists too much. If you're having trouble, it may be best to seek assistance from a veterinary professional.

Inserting the Sample

  1. Fecal Samples: Place the wand back in the tube and twist the cap to close it tightly.
  2. Respiratory Samples: Place the sample collection swab in the tube and break off the shaft so it fits. Do not force the swab down to the bottom of the tube as it may block the reagent chamber. You only need the swab with your pets sample in the tube.

Activating the Test

  1. Prepare for Activation: Check that the gray safety seal at the bottom of the test tube is intact.
  2. Activate the Test: Tear the seal and firmly press the tube onto a hard surface to pierce the reagent chamber—you'll know it's done when you hear a 'pop'.
  3. Mix the Sample: Gently shake the tube a few times to ensure the sample mixes well with the reagents.

Reading the Result

  1. Wait for Results: Allow 10 minutes for the test to run. Note that results read after 30 minutes are invalid.

Understanding the Results

  • Positive Result: Red lines next to both "T" and "C" indicate a positive result.
  • Negative Result: A red line next to "C" and no line next to "T" indicates a negative result.
  • Invalid Result: If no lines appear or only a "T" line appears, the test is invalid and should be repeated.

Key Precautions and Tips

  • Single Use: Remember, each test kit is for single use only.
  • Handle with Care: Follow proper safety protocols when handling samples and operating the test.
  • Read Before Use: Don't use the kit if there are any lines visible before testing or if the packaging is damaged.
  • React to Reagents: Perform the test immediately after opening and keep the tube sealed to avoid moisture.

Storing Your Test Kits

  • Ideal Conditions: Store the kits in a dry place, away from light, at 2-29°C / 35-85°F.
  • Shelf Life: Test kits can be stored for up to 24 months. Do not freeze.
  • Post-Opening: Once opened, use the test within 1 hour, especially if the environment is hot and humid.

With these tips, you're well on your way to becoming proficient in using Kedi Labs Rapid Tests. These tools will give you the confidence to manage your pet's health effectively. Always consult your veterinarian for any concerns or questions regarding test results or your pet's health.

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